Sustainable Design Highlighted in Downtown Streetscape Plan (VIDEO)

Bioswales deciphered in this informative video produced by client partner City of Newark
The term "bioswale" may hold little meaning for the average citizen, but as the video below explains, they are one of the most beneficial landscape architecture features. Bioswales are simple landscaping features used to slow, collect, infiltrate, and filter stormwater. They are designed to manage a specified amount of runoff from a large impervious area, such as a parking lot or roadway.
The gist? When it rains, water runs off surrounding areas into a bioswale. There, the water is retained in the soil, evaporated, absorbed by plants, and allowed to infiltrate back into the water table. Meaning, bioswales are an important way to protect surface waters by decreasing stormwater runoff.
Click here for your bioswale 'aha' moment, produced by the City of Newark, highlighting these literal rain catchers as part of the $80 million investment to the Newark downtown.
The OHM Advisors design team incorporated these efficient and effective sustainable tools into the City of Newark downtown streetscape design plan, as shown here.
Currently under construction, additional design features include lighting enhancements, pedestrian amenities, landscaping, and a sidewalk extension that accommodates on-street dining and entertainment. Roundabouts at the four corners of the square, anchoring the Licking Co. courthouse, will provide improved traffic flow and mobility.
About OHM Advisors:
OHM Advisors is the community advancement firm. Founded in 1962, we deliver award-winning work across the architecture, engineering, and planning spheres. With offices throughout Ohio, Michigan, and Tennessee, our team partners with leaders at all levels of government, school districts, developers, universities, and private companies to create great places.