Ruth Klee wins professional award from industry organization.

Awards and Rankings


2025 ACEC Michigan Engineering Honorable Conceptor, People's Choice and Board Design Awards

ACEC’s statewide Engineering & Surveying Excellence Awards competition recognizes projects that demonstrate an exceptional degree of innovation, complexity, and value.

Association for Bridge Construction & Design (ABCD) Ohio Chapter, 2024 Outstanding New Medium Span Bridge Award

The annual ABCD Outstanding Bridge Awards program recognizes owners, designers, and contractors for deserving bridge projects within the state of Ohio.

2024 ACEC Michigan Engineering Honorable Conceptor Award

ACEC’s statewide Engineering & Surveying Excellence Awards competition recognizes projects that demonstrate an exceptional degree of innovation, complexity, and value.

2024 ACEC Tennessee Engineering Excellence Grand Award, Small Survey Category

ACEC’s statewide Engineering & Surveying Excellence Awards competition recognizes projects that demonstrate an exceptional degree of innovation, complexity, and value.

2024 APWA Michigan Project of the Year Award

Farmington Road Streetscape

This project was recognized in the "Quality of Life, $1 million to $5 million" category by APWA Michigan.

2024 APWA Michigan Project of the Year Award

West Commerce Road Underpass Improvements

This project was recognized in the "Transportation, less than $1 million" category by APWA Michigan.

2024 APWA Michigan Project of the Year Award, Downriver Branch

Livonia Emergency Watermain System Repair

This project was recognized in the "Disaster or Emergency Construction/Repair, less than $1 million" category by the Downriver branch of APWA Michigan.

2024 APWA Michigan Project of the Year Award, Downriver Branch

Romulus MEDC Sidewalk Replacement Project

This project was recognized in the "Quality of Life, less than $1 million" category by the Downriver branch of APWA Michigan.

2024 APWA Michigan Project of the Year Award, Metro Branch

Farmington Road Streetscape

This project was recognized in the "Quality of Life, $1 million to $5 million" category by the Metro branch of APWA Michigan.

2024 APWA Michigan Project of the Year Award, Metro Branch

West Commerce Road Underpass Improvements

This project was recognized in the "Transportation, less than $1 million" category by the Metro branch of APWA Michigan.

ASHE Cuyahoga Valley Section 2024 Outstanding Highway Project Award - Over $5 Million

The award recognizes outstanding transportation work completed by a member of the Cuyahoga Chapter of ASHE (American Society of Highway Engineers).

2024 Engineering News-Record (ENR) Top 500 Design Firms

Ranking: 221

Ranks the largest design firms nationwide according to revenue for design services.

2024 Engineering News-Record (ENR) Midwest Best Project Award - Small Project

This awards program recognizes projects in the Midwest that represent outstanding quality of work, spurred innovative ideas, and overcame intriguing challenges.

Ohio Contractors Association/ODOT 2024 LPA Don Conaway Partnering Award for Construction

This award celebrates excellence in Construction partnering between ODOT, local agencies, and construction contractors.

Oakland Together 40 Under 40 Class of 2024

The Oakland County Executive's Oakland Together 40 Under 40 program recognizes and spotlights dynamic leaders under the age of 40 who are making a difference in Oakland County and beyond.

2023 ACEC Michigan Engineering Honorable Conceptor Award (Structures Category)

Tahquamenon Falls State Park Lower Falls Enrichment 

ACEC’s statewide Engineering & Surveying Excellence Awards competition recognizes projects that demonstrate an exceptional degree of innovation, complexity, and value.

2023 ACEC Michigan Vernon B. Spalding Leadership Award

Honors professionals who have contributed to the quality of life in communities and made an impact on the engineering and surveying industry.

2023 ACEC Ohio Engineering Honor Award (Planning/Studies Category)

ACEC Ohio's Engineering Excellence Awards recognizes projects that demonstrate a high degree of uniqueness, ingenuity, and value.

2023 APWA Michigan Project of the Year Award, Downriver Branch

City of Livonia Advanced GIS Analytics for FOG Maintenance and Prevention System

This project was recognized in the "Environment, less than $1 million" category by the Downriver Branch of APWA Michigan.

2023 ASCE Edmund Friedman Young Engineer Award for Professional Achievement

This award is presented to a member of the Michigan Section of ASCE who is 35 years of age or less, demonstrated significant technical competence, high character and leadership capabilities.

2023 ASLA Ohio Chapter Merit Award

This award recognizes meritorious professional achievement in projects exhibiting outstanding achievement in the profession of landscape architecture.

2023 Asphalt Pavement Association of Michigan Award of Excellence (Single Course Overlay Projects)

I-94 WB Rehabilitation, Washtenaw/Jackson County 

Award winners are provided to the top paving projects in Michigan by APAM in cooperation with MDOT.

2023 Engineering News-Record (ENR) Top 500 Design Firms

Ranking: 226

Ranks the largest design firms nationwide according to revenue for design services.

2023 Ohio Stormwater Association Award for Individual Excellence

Joseph Reitz, PE

Awarded to individuals who have demonstrated exceptional awareness and dedication to advancing stormwater management practices in the State of Ohio.

2022 ABC Ohio Valley Award of Excellence

This award recognizes the skill and creativity of the entire team responsible for an outstanding project that exceeds expectations in innovation and quality.

2022 ACEC Michigan Engineering Honorable Conceptor Award

ACEC’s statewide awards competition recognizes projects that demonstrate an exceptional degree of innovation, complexity, and value.

2022 APWA Michigan Project of the Year

This project was recognized in the "Transportation $25 million to $75 million" category by APWA Michigan.

2022 Corp! Magazine Salute to Diversity Award

The annual awards recognize businesses, organizations and leaders who champion diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives and achievements within their organization or the community.

2022 Crain's Excellence in HR

This award honors human resources professionals who advanced diversity and inclusion in the last year.

2022 Crain's Notable Leaders in Sustainability

This award program celebrates executive-level leaders blazing new paths to sustainability and improving the social, economic, and environmental impact of their organizations.

2022 Crain's Notable Women in Construction, Design and Architecture

This award honors women who represent the top tier of their respective industries and provide creative vision and artistic prowess vital to their crafts.

2022 Engineering News-Record (ENR) Top 500 Design Firms

Ranking: 210


Ranks the largest design firms nationwide according to revenue for design services.

2022 Gallup Exceptional Workplace

Recognizes extraordinary organizations for their ability to create an engaged workplace culture, a force that drives real business outcomes.

2022 Heritage Ohio Best Downtown Placemaking Award

Ashland (OH) Foundation Plaza

This award honors efforts to enhance a downtown’s appearance by creating public spaces that intend to promote health, happiness, and well-being through a program of streetscape improvements.

2022 ITE Michigan Section Young Member of the Year Award

Stephan Maxe, PE

The annual award recognizes members under 35 who have made an impact on the profession, demonstrated leadership, and implemented innovative techniques to solve transportation problems.

2022 MiASLA Firm of the Year Award

The honor recognizes a firm for continued outstanding design and support of the landscape architecture profession.

2022 OCASLA Honor Award

This annual awards program honors the best in landscape architecture across the state of Ohio and brings awareness to the outstanding projects and services of Landscape Architects.

2022 WTS Northeast Ohio Employer of the Year

The award recognizes and honors an organization (company, non-profit, association, or government agency) for recruiting, retaining and advancing women in the transportation industry.

2021 ACEC Ohio Engineering Honor Award

ACEC Ohio's Engineering Excellence Awards recognizes projects that demonstrate a high degree of uniqueness, ingenuity, and value.

2021 APWA Michigan Project of the Year

Allen Creek Berm Opening

APWA Michigan honored this project in the "Quality of Life, $5 to $25 million" category.

2021 APWA Michigan Project of the Year

Schuman Sidewalk

APWA Michigan recognized the Schuman Sidewalk project in the "Quality of Life, less than $1 million" category.

2021 APWA Michigan Project of the Year

This project was recognized in the "Transportation, $1 - $5 million" category by APWA Michigan.

2021 AWWA Michigan Young Professional of the Year

Susan Knepper

This award recognizes the contributions of young AWWA Michigan Section members, whose service and achievements are exceptional for their years of experience.

2021 Crain's Detroit Business Cool Places to Work

Ranking: 25

Recognized for our proactive employee wellness campaign, benefits and engaged workforce.

2021 Corp! Magazine Salute to Diversity Award

Diversity Focused Company

The Diversity Focused Company award recognizes a company's dedication in working toward creating a truly diverse and inclusive work environment for all.

2021 Engineering News-Record (ENR) Top 500 Design Firms

Ranking: 224

Ranks the largest design firms nationwide according to revenue for design services.

2021 Gallup Exceptional Workplace

Recognizes extraordinary organizations for their ability to create an engaged workplace culture, a force that drives real business outcomes.

2021 Heritage Ohio Best Downtown Placemaking Award

Awarded in the "Best Downtown Placemaking" category for efforts related to enhancing a downtown’s appearance through streetscape improvements.

2021 Mi-ASLA Professional Honor Award

This project received the highest honor in the "General Design" category by the Michigan Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects (Mi-ASLA).

2021 Mi-ASLA Professional Merit Award

This project received a Merit Award under the "Planning and Analysis" category by the Michigan Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects (Mi-ASLA).

2021 Michigan Concrete Awards of Excellence

Maple Road Reconstruction

Recipient of the Decorative Municipal Award as part of MCA's Concrete Awards of Excellence program.

2021 National Association for Business Resources Best and Brightest Companies to Work for in the Nation

Recognizing organizations that display a commitment to excellence in operations and employee enrichment that lead to increased productivity and financial performance.

2021 Ohio Institute of Traffic Engineers Young Engineer of the Year

Jon Grimm, PE

The annual award recognizes an individual under age 35 making contributions to the transportation engineering profession, the Ohio Section, the Institute, and the community.

2021 WEF-MWEA Arthur Sidney Bedell Award

Recognizes extraordinary personal service to a Water Environment Federation Member Association.

2021 WEF-MWEA Honorary Membership

Recognizes preeminence in the fields of activity encompassed by Water Environment Federation objectives.

2021 Zweig Group Best Firms to Work For

200+ Employees, Ranking: 24

The competition ranks firms on workplace practices, employee benefits and retention rates, and much more.

2021 Zweig Group Best Firms to Work For

Multidiscipline, Ranking: 35

The competition ranks firms on workplace practices, employee benefits and retention rates, and much more.

2021 Zweig Group Hot Firm List

Ranking: 46

The competition recognizes the 100 fastest-growing architecture, engineering, planning, and environmental consulting firms in the U.S.

2020 ACEC Member Firm of the Year

ACEC/Michigan awarded OHM Advisors for demonstrating leadership in engineering.

2020 AGC Build Tennessee Award

Project honored in the "Commercial Renovation 10-25 M" category for Skill, Integrity, and Responsibility.

2020 APWA National Exceptional Performance Award

Grove Road Emergency Stabilization

This project was recognized in the "Adversity" category, going above and beyond in service to the public.

2020 AWWA Michigan Chuck Van Der Kolk Volunteer of the Year Award

This award recognizes the member for their volunteer contributions to the AWWA Michigan Section.

2020 Crain’s Detroit Business Cool Places to Work

Ranking: 32

Recognized for our proactive employee wellness campaign, benefits and engaged workforce.

2020 Engineering News-Record (ENR) Top 500 Design Firms

Ranking: 245

Ranks the largest design firms nationwide according to revenue for design services.

2020 Gallup Exceptional Workplace

Recognizes extraordinary organizations for their ability to create an engaged workplace culture, a force that drives real business outcomes.

2020 Zweig Group Best Firms to Work For

200+ Employees, Ranking: 16

The competition ranks firms on workplace practices, employee benefits and retention rates, and much more.

2020 Zweig Group Best Firms to Work For

Full Service, Ranking: 4

The competition ranks firms on workplace practices, employee benefits and retention rates, and much more.

2020 Zweig Group Hot Firm List

Ranking: 50

The competition recognizes the 100 fastest-growing architecture, engineering, planning, and environmental consulting firms in the U.S.

2019 ACEC Michigan Vernon B. Spalding Leadership Award

Dan Fredendall, PE

Honors professionals who have contributed to the quality of life in communities and made an impact on the engineering and surveying industry.

2019 American Planning Association Ohio Planning Award

Awarded in the "Comprehensive Plan - Large Jurisdiction" category for outstanding planning leadership.

2019 APWA Michigan Project of the Year

City of Romulus – Ecorse Rd Reconstruction; Vining to Merriman

APWA Michigan honored this project in the "Transportation, $5 to $25 million" category.

2019 Crain’s Detroit Business Cool Places to Work

Ranking: 20

Recognized for our proactive employee wellness campaign, benefits and engaged workforce.

2019 Engineering News-Record (ENR) Top 500 Design Firms

Ranking: 251

Ranks the largest design firms nationwide according to revenue for design services.

2019 Gallup Great Workplace

Celebrates elite organizations that have proven their ability to achieve exceptionally high levels of workplace engagement by investing in their people.

2019 Rising Star in Civil Engineering

This award from Civil + Structural Engineer magazine recognizes exceptional engineers, age 40 years old or younger.

2019 Zweig Group Best Firms to Work For

200+ Employees, Ranking: 24

The competition ranks firms on workplace culture, benefits, and employee satisfaction.

2019 Zweig Group Best Firms to Work For

Multidiscipline, Ranking: 49

The competition ranks firms on workplace culture, benefits, and employee satisfaction.

2019 Zweig Group Hot Firm List

Ranking: 63

The competition recognizes the 100 fastest-growing firms which help build their communities.

2018 ACEC Michigan Engineering Honorable Conceptor Award

Midland County GRS-IBS Program

ACEC’s statewide awards competition recognizes projects with innovative, cost-effective solutions.

2018 ACEC Ohio Engineering Honor Award

Newark Downtown Revitalization

The statewide competition selects award winners based on overall engineering excellence.

2018 APWA Michigan Downriver Branch Award

City of Romulus – Ecorse Rd Reconstruction; Vining to Merriman

Awarded for public works excellence in the "Transportation $5 to $25 million" category.

2018 APWA Michigan Project of the Year

U.S. 41 & Quincy Streetscape

Awarded in the "Historical Restoration/Preservation $5 to $25 million" category.

2018 ASHE Central Ohio Project of the Year & Peers Choice Award

Awarded in the "Over $5M Construction Cost" category.

2018 Best and Brightest Companies to Work For in the Nation

Celebrates achievement and success in empowering employees’ lives through rich heritage and culture.

2018 Crain’s Detroit Business Cool Places to Work

Ranking: 11

Recognized for our proactive employee wellness campaign, benefits and engaged workforce.

2018 Engineering News-Record (ENR) Midwest Top Design Firms

Ranking: 26 

Ranks design firms in the Midwest based on design-specific revenue.

2018 Engineering News-Record (ENR) Top 500 Design Firms

Ranking: 274

Ranks the largest design firms nationwide according to revenue for design services.

2018 Metro Detroit's Best and Brightest Companies to Work For

The competition identifies organizations that display a commitment to excellence.

2018 MAP Planning Excellence Award

The Michigan Association of Planning honors efforts to transform communities of all sizes.

2018 SE Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG) Regional Showcase Award

The Matthaei Botanical Gardens Trail

This award is for projects that contribute to the vision of a connected, thriving region.

2018 Watershed Management Professional of the Year

The MWEA recognizes efforts in promoting watershed management and protection activities.

2018 Zweig Group Hot Firm List

Ranking: 59

The competition recognizes the 100 fastest-growing firms which help build their communities.

2017 Collection Systems Professional of the Year

This award from the Michigan Water Environment Association recognizes remarkable dedication to the water environment profession.

2017 Engineering News-Record (ENR) Midwest Top Design Firms

Ranking: 31

Engineering News-Record ranks the top 110 largest design firms in the Midwest.

2017 Engineering News-Record (ENR) Top 500 Design Firms

Ranking: 289

The ENR ranks the largest design firms nationwide according to revenue for design services.

2017 Metro Detroit’s 101 Best and Brightest Companies to Work For

The competition identifies organizations that display a commitment to excellence.

2017 Rising Star in Civil Engineering

This award from Civil + Structural Engineer magazine recognizes exceptional engineers, age 40 years old or younger.

2017 Zweig Group Hot Firm List

Ranking: 25

The competition recognizes the 100 fastest-growing firms which help build their communities.

2016 APWA Michigan Public Works Project of the Year

Great Lakes Water Authority Formation

Awarded for excellence in the "Governmental Cooperation less than $1 million" category.

2016 APWA Michigan Public Works Project of the Year

West Park Drive Water Storage Reservoir

Awarded for public works excellence in the "Structures $1 to $5 million" category.

2016 APWA Michigan Public Works Project of the Year

Awarded for public works excellence in the "Structures $5 to $25 million" category.

2016 Columbus CEO's Top Workplaces in Central Ohio

OHM Advisors recognized as one of the Columbus region's Top Workplaces.

2016 Crain’s Detroit Business Cool Places to Work

Ranking: 26

Recognized for our proactive employee wellness campaign, flexibility and passion.

2016 Engineering News-Record (ENR) Midwest Top Design Firms

Engineering News-Record ranks the largest designs firms based on design-specific revenue.

2016 Engineering News-Record (ENR) Top 500 Design Firms

The ENR ranks the largest design firms nationwide according to revenue for design services.

2016 Michigan's Best & Brightest in Wellness

OHM Advisors awarded for providing opportunities/incentives for employee health.

2016 Trenchless Technology Top 50 Trenchless Design Firms

Ranking: 39

Top 50 design firms based on reported North American trenchless project billings.

2016 Zweig Group Best Firms To Work For

Ranking: 49

The competition ranks firms on workplace culture, benefits, and employee satisfaction.

2016 Zweig Group Hot Firm List

Ranking: 15

The competition recognizes the 100 fastest-growing firms which help build their communities.

2015 APWA Michigan Project of the Year

The Nine Mile Pathway

Awarded for promoting excellence in the management and administration of public works.

2015 ASCE James F. Bliskey Quality of Life Project of the Year

Project exemplifies ASCE's theme, "Civil Engineers Make the Difference - They Build the Quality of Life."

2015 ASHE Central Ohio Project of the Year

Spring and Long Street Multimodal Conversion

Recognized as an outstanding highway project in the "Under $5M Construction Cost" category.

2015 Crain's Detroit Private 200

Ranking: 195

OHM Advisors was listed as one of Crain's largest privately held companies in Southeast Michigan.

2015 Engineering News-Record (ENR) Midwest Top Design Firms

Engineering News-Record ranks the largest designs firms based on design-specific revenue.

2015 Engineering News-Record (ENR) Top 500 Design Firms

Ranking: 340

The ENR ranks the largest design firms nationwide according to revenue for design services.

2015 Metro Detroit's 101 Best and Brightest Companies to Work For

The competition identifies organizations that display a commitment to excellence.

2015 MML Community Excellence Award

This award celebrates innovative placemaking projects in Michigan communities.

2014 ACEC Michigan Merit Award

Detroit Metro Airport (DTW) Force-Main Deicing Discharge System

ACEC's Merit Awards recognize projects that demonstrate innovation, complexity and value.

2014 ACEC Michigan Vernon B. Spalding Leadership Award

Ernie Orchard, PE

Former OHM Advisors President was awarded for outstanding leadership contributions.

2014 Crain's Detroit Business Cool Places to Work

Named one of 75 companies to go the extra mile with employee appreciation.

2014 Michigan Concrete Award of Excellence

Geddes and Ridge Roads Intersection Improvements

The MCA honored this outstanding concrete project in the "Intersections" category.

2014 Michigan Concrete Award of Excellence

M-26 Granitoid Pavement Project

The MCA honored this outstanding concrete project in the "Innovative" category.

2014 Trenchless Technology Top 50 Trenchless Design Firms

Ranking: 36

Top 50 design firms based on reported North American trenchless project billings.

2013 ACEC Michigan Firm of the Year

Awarded for the second time for demonstrated leadership in engineering.

2013 Michigan Association of County Drain Commissioners (MACDC) Innovation and Excellence Award

Malletts Creek County Farm Drain Restoration

This award recognizes creative and innovative accomplishments of MACDC members.

2012 ACEC Michigan Young Professional of the Year Award

The award recognizes engineers for their positive contributions to the profession and society.

2012 ASCE Michigan Civil Engineering Project of the Year Award

Oakland-Macomb Interceptor Drain (OMID) Segment 1

This project "represents the greatest contribution to civil engineering progress and mankind."

2012 ASCE Michigan Young Civil Engineer of the Year Award

Awarded to a young civil engineer who has demonstrated significant leadership and service.

2012 National Association of County Park and Recreation Officials Project Award

The Rolling Hills Accessibility Project

This award honors excellence in parks and recreation throughout the nation.

2012 Rising Star in Structural Engineering

This award recognizes exceptional structural engineers 40 years old or younger.

2011 APWA Metro Detroit Branch Award

Grand River Avenue Streetscape, City of Farmington, MI

Awarded for public works excellence in the "Transportation" category.

2011 APWA Michigan Project of the Year Award

Grand River Avenue Streetscape, City of Farmington, MI

Awarded for public works excellence in the "Best Streetscape under $5 million" category.

2011 AWWA Consultant Appreciation Award

OHM Advisors honored for hard work and effort for long-term improvements to water quality.

2011 Michigan Concrete Award of Excellence

Harrison and Hildebrandt Roads (City of Romulus), Pavement Reconstruction with Water Main/Drainage Improvements

MCA's "Excellence in Concrete" awards program honors outstanding concrete projects.

2011 Michigan Concrete Award of Excellence

Squirrel Road Rehabilitation (City of Auburn Hills), Concrete Overlay: Cost Effective Rehabilitation

MCA's "Excellence in Concrete" awards program honors outstanding concrete projects.

2011 Michigan Concrete Award of Excellence

Hamlin Road Boulevard and Roundabout (City of Rochester Hills), Increased Corridor Serviceability

MCA's "Excellence in Concrete" awards program honors outstanding concrete projects.