Conferences & Speaking Engagements

2021 Kentucky/Tennessee Water Professionals Conference

August 15 - 18, 2021

Chattanooga Convention Center, Chattanooga, TN

Come experience the Water Professionals Conference with us in Chattanooga, TN!

The Clean Water Professionals of Kentucky & Tennesee and the Kentucky/Tennessee Section of the American Water Works Association have come together to bring the 17th annual WPC21 to Chattanooga, TN, the largest annual water industry technical conference in the area.

This in-person event will help quench your thirst for knowledge in all things water. Attendees will have more than 170 technical presentations to choose from and will be able to connect with over 1,700 water professionals – including us!

Join water expert Greg Sanford as he presents the following session:

Generating As-builts When None Exist

Date and Time: Tuesday, August 17 from 11:00 - 11:30 am 

Summary: At the start of any facility design project when it’s necessary to acquire all related existing record documentation, it’s often true that the only documentation available is non-existent, incomplete, or outdated and creates more questions than answers. This presentation explains how to overcome these obstacles through the use of laser scanning. By laser scanning the facility from the vantage points of both the ground and sky, we can create accurate, survey-grade 3D facility models in a cost-effective manner to form the best basis for modern facility upgrades and modifications.

OHM Advisors is a proud Gold Level Sponsor for this event. 

Greg Sanford, OHM Advisors
Greg Sanford