2021 Michigan Infrastructure Conference
Online event, hosted by ACEC Michigan and ASCE Michigan Section
Join us as we come together to discuss Michigan's infrastructure.
At this virtual two-day event, state agencies, engineers, and other infrastructure professionals will join forces to present the latest on Michigan infrastructure initiatives. Twelve breakout sessions provide continuing education credits for licensed design professionals.
Don't miss stormwater expert Greg Kacvinsky as he presents, in partnership with Bergmann, the following session:
Build It and They Will Come
Date and Time: Wednesday, 5/12 from 9:15am - 10:10am
Summary: A successful $7.4 million flood control project in Ann Arbor, Michigan leveraged FEMA grant funding to provide flood relief caused by a nearby railroad berm preventing floodwaters from accessing the nearby Huron River floodplain. This presentation will delve into the key steps taken over a seven-year period to create a flood control facility while enhancing pedestrian access to key destinations.