MI-ACE 2022 Annual Conference
Grand Traverse Resort and Spa, Acme, MI, hosted by the American Water Works Association Michigan Section
Join us in Traverse City at the 2022 MI-ACE Annual Conference!
The 84th annual conference is a premier educational opportunity for drinking water professionals and those who supply the industry. As sponsors of this year's event, we're excited to see everyone in person for the educational sessions, networking events and one-day trade show. Mark your calendars for insightful presentations by our water expert, Christine Spitzley.
Session Title: How to Navigate Funding Using MI Water Navigator
Date and Time: Wednesday, 9/14 at 9:30 a.m.
Presenters: Christine Spitzley and Grace Carey (Michigan Municipal League Foundation)
Session Title: Building an Affordability Plan: Oakland County Water Resources Commissioner
Date and Time: Wednesday, 9/14 at 10:45 a.m.
Presenters: Christine Spitzley and Kelsey Cooke (Oakland County WRC)
Click here to register; schedule of events coming soon!