National Planning Conference 2022
Virtual event hosted by the American Planning Association
Don't miss the virtual National Planning Conference and its participants discussing key planning topics
Continued collaboration with peers is more important than ever considering the challenges ahead. Communities are looking to planners to help them manifest cities that are reflective of the people who live in them and supportive of the challenges those residents face. Conference attendees will come out of this event inspired and ready to apply new ideas to better serve their communities.
The strategies, methods, and results of public engagement within a community can vary widely. This can cause certain groups to be underrepresented, misrepresented, or not represented at all. Principal planner, Nina Kelly, will share communications discipline theories and concepts that can make public engagements more inclusive and representative. Presentation details are included below.
What the Communications Discipline Brings to Public Engagement
Wednesday, 5/18, 2:15 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. PT