"Water Talks" Webinar: Solutions for Water Service Disruptions
A virtual event, hosted by Innovyze, an Autodesk company
Tune in to this webinar featuring our water expert for useful information on managing service disruptions
Service disruptions are inevitable, regardless of your water source, and often result in chaos for operators, administrators, and residents. With the right technology and strategic planning, cities can prepare efficiently for these disruptions.
This presentation will examine the innovative ways the city of Livonia, Michigan is exploring and planning for potential water service disruption scenarios with hydraulic modeling through InfoWater Pro and ArcGIS technology dashboards.
Susan Knepper will share the tools and practices she utilized to help the city plan for their water service disruptions and the creative way she documented the city’s disruption protocols. Tim Medearis (Autodesk) will briefly share how Info360 makes this workflow even easier in the future using innovative software.
Date and Time: Wednesday, 6/14 at 12:00 p.m.
Presenters: Susan Knepper and Tim Medearis (Autodesk)
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