Nashville’s Steve Chizek Discusses Aging Infrastructure in Tennessean Op-Ed

Steve Chizek, managing director of the Nashville office of OHM Advisors, recently penned an op-ed for The Tennessean about the city’s deteriorating infrastructure.
Despite the best efforts of the agencies responsible, he writes, Nashville’s development has begun to outpace its infrastructure, and if the city is to continue its historic growth and remain competitive nationally and globally, its roads, bridges, and underground water and sewer lines need more investment.
He offers three suggestions for how the community can spur investment and maintain a healthy economy.
As a result of the op-ed, Institutional Real Estate, Inc. invited Steve to be a guest on its podcast. IREI provides investment fiduciaries with information and insights on the people, issues, ideas and events driving the global real estate and infrastructure investment marketplaces. Steve joined the program to elaborate on how Nashville is a microcosm of cities across the United States—as well as why even a booming city like Nashville is not keeping pace with its infrastructure needs, what city officials are saying about the situation, and whether private investors are being considered to help fund a project that the city cannot afford.