Parks Offers Cybersecurity Tips for Utilities in AWWA Water Works News Article

Network hacking is a major threat to businesses and organizations everywhere today, and public utilities must be aware of the risks and what can be done to mitigate them. OHM Advisors Principal and municipal advisor, Matt Parks, speaks up on this issue in his recently authored article in the July 2019 issue of Water Works News, a publication of the Michigan chapter of the American Water Works Association.
In his article, Parks discusses the critical nature of the country’s water and wastewater infrastructure systems and how security breaches of those systems can result not only in significant financial problems, but can also compromise public health, safety and welfare. He details a starting point to help utilities get a better grasp of the issues and start putting a plan in place, outlines basic steps even small utilities can take to protect their systems, and points to several useful resources to implement cybersecurity from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the AWWA and the state of Michigan’s CySafe program.