In Valerie's role as Principal in the firm's Environmental & Water Resources Group, she works with clients on a wide variety of green infrastructure concepts and design and streambank and shoreline restoration design, as well as hydraulic modeling of stormwater and sanitary collection systems and stormwater policy development associated with National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Program (NPDES) permits. She also serves as manager for the group's Environmental Planning & Restoration work and service leader for the firm's lakes and streams water quality initiative, where her key responsibilities include growing related service areas and managing their technical teams.
Valerie strives to build a reputation for OHM Advisors as experts in water quality and help the firm’s clients understand how technology and the use of data can help meet their needs more efficiently. She has a particular talent for coordinating multi-disciplinary teams on all project scales and is recognized for her unique ability to balance the art of design, the technical aspects of construction and the emotion of public engagement.
The holder of a master’s degree in Biosystems Engineering from Michigan State University, Valerie is a member of several professional associations including Engineers without Borders, Michigan Water Environmental Association and Engineering Society of Detroit. She is an adjunct instructor at Lawrence Technological University.