Active outdoor plaza space with seating and play space at One Alliance Place, Reynoldsburg OH

Alliance Place


Christian and Missionary Alliance (The Alliance)


Reynoldsburg, Ohio


Phase I - 130,000 sf


Alliance Place is on track to become a $200M high-density mixed-use development on 15 acres along a vital east-west Central Ohio corridor. The City of Reynoldsburg set the stage for Alliance Place when it partnered with OHM Advisors in 2018 to update its Comprehensive Plan. After identifying a former big box retail site as a focus area for development, the Plan became the catalyst for zoning code updates, site rezoning, and concept plans to illustrate the redevelopment vision for the underutilized site.

Intrigued by the City of Reynoldsburg and its plans for the site and surrounding area, The Christian and Missionary Alliance (The Alliance) saw an opportunity to achieve its dream of settling in a location that allows it to engage with and impact the community. It partnered with OHM Advisors to help bring the vision for its headquarters to life.

Phase I - One Alliance Place 

To be built in phases, the campus master plan for Alliance Place includes several buildings with a mix of uses, outdoor green space, and an active central plaza for activities and large-scale events. The first phase of construction, One Alliance Place, includes a four-story, 130,000-sf building with:

The architecture of One Alliance Place celebrates The Alliance’s vision of forging strong connections with its neighbors. A two-story glass lobby on the plaza-facing side of the building visually blends the interior of the building with the active spaces outside – inviting connection between building tenants, event center guests, and coffee shop/café customers using the plaza. The space is meant to feel like a community family room.

Future Building Plans

Future site elements include restaurants and retail fronting the primary entrance to the site at East Main Street and a multistory parking structure wrapped on three sides by a hotel and multifamily housing.

Highlights: Urban infill, high-density mixed-use, site planning, temporary office space design, architecture, landscape architecture, interior design