Corridor Study Guides Future Land Use and Development
To prepare for growth of more than one million people in Central Ohio in the coming decades, the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC) initiated the insight2050 Corridor Concepts Study to analyze land use, development, and existing transportation systems along five primary corridors in Central Ohio.
Working as part of a national team of consultants, OHM Advisors served as the local planning lead for this vital project. Through a collaborative process involving local municipalities, transit organizations, businesses, and other key stakeholders, our planning team employed technical modeling to analyze current and future land use and potential development scenarios to determine each area’s ability to support high-capacity transit with increased population density. We also explored the impacts of autonomous technology and effects of mobility on land use decisions, and managed public outreach and engagement during the life of the study.
Using the study’s results, our team developed implementation strategies that offer MORPC strategic direction to balance and integrate new high-capacity public transit technology with future growth. Those strategies provide replicable criteria that can be applied to other corridors within the region for similar future studies.
Project Highlights: planning, community engagement, civil engineering